Many parents understand the importance of enrolling their children in some type of sport, given the physical and mental benefits of keeping active. However, when you're trying to think of a sport that your children want to play and with which you agree, you may be stumped. If there's a golf course near where you live, it's worthwhile to think about exposing your children to this sport — and there's no better way to provide an introduction than by enrolling them in a golf camp. Here are some reasons that golf is a good choice for young children.
It Won't Cause Injuries
Plenty of parents of youth athletes have rushed their children to the hospital emergency room after a sport injury. Whether it's a broken ankle from soccer, a fractured wrist from baseball, or a laceration from figure skating, many sports — even though that aren't contact sports — can result in injuries to those playing them. Golf doesn't fall into this category, however. While it's technically possible to get muscle strains or a twisted ankle from playing golf, golf-related injuries are extremely rare. Additionally, many golf camps will show young golfers how to effectively warm up for a round of play, which can lower the risk of injuries.
You Compete Against Yourself
Team sports can often be challenging for some children. Children who aren't as skilled as their teammates may find that their playing time is less than the stars on the team, which can leave these children feeling unengaged and perhaps even suffering from lower self-esteem. A nice thing about introducing your children to golf is that this sport is a solo sport. While it's fun to play with others, you're competing against yourself — and you don't have to worry about a coach not playing you or a teammate criticizing your play.
It Teaches Skills For Life
While lots of sports teach children skills that they can use later in life, this isn't always the case. For example, in some contact sports, children learn to cheapshot an opponent when the referee isn't watching — and this type of behavior isn't what you want your child to learn. Golf's lessons are better in lots of ways. Your young child will learn how to stay disciplined, how to manage his or her temper in spite of challenging situations, how to show good sportsmanship, and more. Golf camps focus heavily on teaching golf manners, offering your children valuable attributes that they'll carry with them.